Thursday 15 January 2009

More adorable than your coworker's baby pictures

Embarrassing confession: as a child I owned probably like fifty or so stuffed animals. No baby dolls. Did not want. (This was probably somewhat telling inasmuch that my life plans include a) someday having an awesome career and b) if that fails, to live in a decaying Victorian house with lots and lots of CATS.) And so, when my grade school class performed a Thanksgiving play and I was assigned the role of a pilgrim lady, there was a big debate about whether I could swaddle my favorite stuffed baby buffalo in a blanket and bring 'er to that special feast, or if I had to carry around some foreign, plastic HUMAN baby. In the end, I went with the baby. Anything for the play, you know. But when you see these amazingly "ahhhhh"-inducing photos sent to me by my BFF Sarah, you'll understand my dilemma.

Who knew a monkey and a sloth could be tiny buddies? Ahhhhh meter ranking: ULTRAHIGH.

These are all zoo babies, and so hence the site Shockingly heartwarming!

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