Friday, 22 May 2009

Waterskiing Squirrel!

If you're like me, you enjoy watching local news for the awkward banter between newscasters, the low-rent commercials for businesses you'd never previously known existed like Cell Phone Galaxy and Big Ed's Grab'n'Go Liquor Depot, and--of course--for that vital last five minutes of news, where instead of helping our friends and neighbors to better understand Conflict in the Mideast or How the Economy Works, they do a heartwarming, undercover investigation on what your dog goes when you're at work all day, or how a cat in Fayetteville, AR seems to be nursing a baby raccoon as its own kitten. I live for that crap. And so must you, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this blog. Therefore, you have probably already seen a waterskiing squirrel. Waterskiing squirrels are a fuzzy, daredevil staple of late Friday night news programs during the summer. But you know why that is? Because they're awesome. Finally it's nice outside, and in the spirit of spring/summer making its way to Minneapolis, I present you with....

Twiggy, the Waterskiing Squirrel. Don't forget to wear your life jacket!

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